The Ultimate Credit Repair Workshop
(With a Creative Twist)

April 27th in Chicago, IL

Learn The Secrets to Building Flawless Credit Scores in A Creative Way

Grab Your Ticket Now

You're about to experience the most comprehensive (and creative) credit workshop on the planet...

Let's face it.... bad credit stinks. You're being limited so many opportunities to save money, land the best deals, AND live a comfortable lifestyle when you have low credit scores staring at you from your digital screen.

Yes, you have a “good-paying” job that is keeping you afloat, but what you’re missing is a guide to total credit worthiness…

The credit worthiness to purchase your dream home or car without shaking in your shoes with fear of denial.

The credit worthiness to travel the world for FREE on your credit card company's dime.

And, most of all, the credit worthiness to have the confidence to walk in the bank, clapping your hands "it's my money and I NEED it now!"  

Now, I realize this whole perfect credit thing sounds like an impossible wish-upon-a-star dream for you. And that’s because you’ve  already tried just about everything to "sweep your credit", "negotiate with creditors", "pay off debt" and nothing seems to be working.

Here's Where THAT Changes For You...


The ULTIMATE 4-Hour Credit workshop where you're going to learn the secrets to building flawless, 720+ credit scores in less than 12 months...

Discover a little-known strategy to leverage your credit to become 100% debt free...

Gain the confidence to dispute negative accounts on your file and tackle your credit like a boss...

AND walk away with the checklists, guides, and resources you need to get the job done...

That's not all... There's a twist!

You're going to create your own piece of art that symbolizes your goals of claiming the keys to your dream home or car, skyrocketing your purchasing power, and upgrading your lifestyle.

You'll have you're own physical representation of what you'll be manifesting.. right there, on your wall...

Constantly reminding you that your goals are closer than you think.

All you need is better credit!

Not to mention, you'll get a complimentary glass of wine to get your creative juices flowing. 😎🍷

Learn From Your Amazing Credit Expert

Jeri Toliver (Your Hostess)

Credit Expert and Educator

Jeri Toliver is the Founder and CEO of Flyy Credit Solutions, and an experienced credit expert and financial literacy advocate that is known for helping educate, empower, and support our communities in financial advancement through the power of financial education.

This isn't just another boring, credit workshop.

Here's What's In Store For You...

Our Event: The Venue

Private Location- South Loop, Chicago, IL

They say visualization is the first step to success.

Join us in the creative inspiration lab, where you'll be given the fundamental keys to building flawless, 720+ credit scores and craft the perfect piece of art you can take home, hang above your bed, and remind you of your goals.

You'll be able to connect, collaborate & curate a life you love through the power of education and visualization.

This location is right off of 90/94 interstate with accessible street parking and parking garages right next door.

What Are You Waiting For?

Let’s talk about the value of this event, the investment and what our time together will be worth to you...

What is it worth to master your credit so you can finally have a place you can call home?

What is it worth to have the confidence to apply for anything you want, and get approved on the spot?

What is it worth to travel the world using someone else's money, and enjoy more time doing that you love- instead of stressing about your credit?

YOU can choose to join us, so you can learn every bit of information, secure every single resource, and claim your spot in the 720+ club today...

Or, you can keep running around in circles, pulling your hair out with confusion, trying to find the strategies that work- only to discover fluffy ineffective junk.

And I’m going to be straight up with you… this is NOT some cheap wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am workshop where I stuff a bunch of crap content in a presentation, and you walk away feeling more confused than ever.

It’s a well-designed, carefully curated event that hands you everything you need to achieve perfect credit and create a piece of art as a reminder that your goals are closer than you think.

Get Your Ticket Now For $65

Learn The Secrets to Repairing and Rebuilding Flawless Credit Scores in A Creative Way

Hurry! Only 40 2 Seats Available!

Grab Your Ticket Now